
Showing posts from 2020

21's Rabbits are smarter don't misapprehend

21's Rabbits are smarter don't misapprehend  A few days back I was just sharing my work with a successful man, I think I was doing well but he told me something that wouldn't be fond of me. That was couples of a minute conversation Me: Directly, I started connecting to a story to just motivate myself.  (Everyone heard that story of a Tortoise and a Rabbit, yes ages story). I did this and up to that will be my process. He: Why are you acting like a tortoise? When do you know you can run like a rabbit ?? Me: Again I tried my best to make that  moment worthful  but naah naah naah....  didn't work  He: My dear, in this day and age people are running like a rabbit and they all are smart enough to make things work for them so be alter they won't repeat the stupidity like a moron rabbit.                         

Why only friendship, and why it is important

"Friendship"  I guess nobody can define it in a single word or maybe a book falls short.  Friendship is indeed impenetrable and as necessary as a healthy body with a healthy mindset.   "A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even  though he knows that you are slightly cracked." It's true that once we have a friendship, we don't see the shortcomings. Why do you need to choose a great friend?  A person can never choose his parents and society, they have already got them and at some points, we can't even choose a life partner too. But of course, we are open to making friends  for life  This is the only relation in which you don't need to explain yourself in the situation. God gave you the power to choose friends. You should always appreciate the love, care, and joy they give you. Even after years of separation, this is the only relationship that will be welcoming you with the old-school fragrance. You&

Mindset changing quotes by Elon Musk

If you want to do anything next to impossible then you should learn a few things in your life The first step is to establish that something is possible then probably will occur.                                            " You have to accept it that whatsoever you are going to do is possible, don't afraid of failure"                                                                                                                                                             I think ordinary people can choose to be extraordinary                                                             " Between birth and death there is a word choice which makes all difference " When something is important enough you do it even if the odds are not in your favour                                              " If you are choosing a path for your goods then you should not mind how many people dislike it.

भारत में सबसे कम डाइवोर्स केस {Divorce case} क्यूं हैं ?

भारत में 1000 शादी में से कुछ 13 शादियों हैं  जिनका  डाइवोर्स हो जाता हैं | ये आकदा बाकी देशो के मुकाब्ले बहुत काम है| हमारे  भारत देश में शादी को बहुत मेहता दिया जाता हैं इसलिये अपको जान कर  हेरानी  होगी की  डाइवोर्स के लिये हिन्दी में कोई शब्द ही  नहीं  बना हैं, और  उर्दू में  divorce को तलाक कहा जाता हैं  पर सिर्फ डाइवोर्स के लिये शब्द  नहीं  होने की वजाह से शादियाँ  नहीं  चल रही हैं | भारती  संस्कृति  को हमेशा से ही इस तरह बताया गया हैं की वर्षों से  चलती   आई   प्रथा  को ही हम करते चले  आरहे  हैं   चाहे  वो  सही हो या गलत फिर भी कुछ एसी बातें हैं जो  आप  जानते हुवे भी अंजान हो बचपन से हर लड़की को सिखा दिया जाता हैं की  उसका  ससुराल ही  उसका  घर हैं और पति देवता और किसी को देवता (पति) के खिलाफ बोलने का हक  नहीं  दिया जाता हैं ,अपनी खुशी से अधिक औरत के लिये  संस्कृति  और संसार महत्वपूर्ण रखता हैं | लड़की जिस घर में बचपन से रहती हैं, उस घर से  उसे  ये  कहकर   दूसरे  घर भेजा जाता हैं की ससुराल ही  उसका  घर हैं पर ससुराल में अगर कुछ भी हो जाता हैं,

Who knows you better? Still thinking....

Whenever we're in a campaign, we start looking at people around us whom we can share our drama with. We try our best to get better advice from people so we can make it clear and feel relaxed in life. But can we ever have a true society? but no one knows what we can do in our life. Here is a dialogue from the best motivational movie " The pursuit of happiness"  A conversation between a father ( Chris Gardner) and his son ( Christopher Gardner) Father: Don't ever let someone tell you that you can't do something. Not even me  Son: All right. Father: You got a dream, you gotta protect it. When people can't do something themselves, they're gonna tell you that you can't do it. If you want something goes get it. Period.  According to Chris, you are the only one who knows yourself better, you are the one who also knows your sinfulness and goodness. There is no one here who can help you out so start fondling yourself, learn to yourself there i

WHAT IS ATTITUDE AND WHY ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING? / रवैया क्या है और ये क्यों ज़रुरी है?

यदि हमसे कोई अहंकार में आकार या थोडा करारा जवाब देकर बात करे, या किसी के साथ उसके अनुसार व्यवहार ना करे  तो हम उसे एटीट्यूड  का नाम देते हैं, पर असल में परिभाषा की बात की जाए तो " किसी चीज के बारे में सोचने या महसूस करने का एक तय तरीका एटीट्यूड कहलाता हैं | "  जीवन की सबसे अनमोल बात को ही हम कभी उचित तरीके से समज नही पाते हैं  बल्की कुछ और ही छवि का आकार देकर हम नकारात्मकता का काम करते है | जबकी एक अच्छ जीवन की कामना करने के लिये  ये जाना बहुत ज़रुरी है की हम सी कौन-सी बातों को कितना महत्व देना हैं | ये कुछ गणना जो अपको एटीट्यूड की कीमत का अंदाज़ा बाता सके M+O+N+E+Y = 13+15+14+5+25 = 72% L+O+V+E = 12+15+22+5 = 54% K+N+O+W+L+E+D+G+E = 11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96% H +A+R+D+W+O+R+K = 8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98% A+T+T+I+T+U+D+E = 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5= 100% सब जानते हैं की जंगल का राजा शेर होता हैं पर  क्यों  होता है वो बहुत काम लोगो जानते हैं ना ही शेर सब से तेज दौड़  सकता हैं ना  ही आकार में  सबसे  बड़ा होता हैं |    परंतु शेर सिर्फ और सिर्फ उसके रवैये की व

Homosexuals need support (Transgender, Hijra, Chhaka, and Kinnar) #LGBT

Transgender, Hijra, Chhaka, and Kinner are so many names given by society to a person who physically does not fit in two boxes of male and female.  LGBT is an initialism that collectively refers to lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender. Section 377 a law that calls gay sex unnatural and a crime for which punishment can be a lifetime, was introduced in the era of 1861 during the British rule of India. However, in a historic verdict, the supreme court of India on September 6, 2018, decriminalized section 377 of the IPC and allowed gay sex among consenting adults in private. Everyone makes fun of Kinner's clap of "TAALI" but they have an identity for which they train, and they reach out to their community through this "TAALI". They clap if they have good news, as well as for bad news. They clap for "EVERYTHING". We call them "CHHAKA", they are also human beings, who carries the heart of male and female but society makes a barrier


When Priyanka Chopra Jonas said that's the soundest advice I ever got.  Everybody has their own policies for life, and there is no harm to live life on your own term. Maybe this one piece of advice can make your work easier for life.  She always mentions her mother's advice in every interview and said that this is the soundest advice that I ever got. "Financial independence is paramount. My mom always says that when a woman is financially independent, she can live life on her own terms. I think that was the soundest advice that I ever got. No matter where you go in life or who you get married to, you have to be financially independent - whether you use it or not". 


     Start-up is not just about ideas, it's all about making ideas happen. "Give them a quality that's the best kind of advertising." "There is no finish line. So love the journey." "Any time is a good time to start a company." "A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step." " Don't worry about failure you only have to be right once." "Sweat equity is the best start-up capital." "Don't be afraid to start over. It's a chance to build something better this time." "You have to see failure as the beginning and the middle, but never entertain it as an end." "Never start a business just to make money. Start a business to make a difference." "It always seems impossible until it's done."


Industrialist and humanitarian Ratan Naval Tata are one of India's most influential business leaders. Here are some life-changing quotes by the legendary entrepreneur. "I don't believe in taking the right decisions, I take decisions and then make them right." "If you want to walk fast, walk alone. But if you want to walk far walk together." "Polish your talents like you would polish your diamonds." "There are many things that, if I have to relive, maybe I will do it another way. But I would not like to look back and think about what I have not been able to." "Take the stones people throw at you and use them to build a monument." "Businesses need to go beyond the interests of their companies to the communities they serve." "Young Entrepreneurs will make a difference in the Indian ecosystem." "None can destroy iron, but its own rust can. Likewise, none ca

Rapid or quick fire question

So basically this is the best way to know about a person within a couple of minutes. 1) Which is your dream job? 2) What would you do if you win 1 million? 3) May I know 5 things about your  " BUCKET LIST". 4)Describe yourself in 3 words. 5)What is the most amazing thing you have in your purse/wallet? 6)Which is the most meaningful thing you ever said to anyone? 7) Who do you admire the most? 8) If you could go anywhere so where you would like to go? 9) Are you a morning person or a night one?  10) What annoys you the most? 11) If you could give yourself anything, what would that be? 12)What would you do with "10 minutes " of fame? 13)Where would you like to go if you become invisible? 14) What is your biggest addiction? 15) Which song reminds you of your past relationship? 16) Have you ever met a person, whom you didn't want to meet? 17) If you would be famous, what would you like to be famous for? 18) What is the wo

jakhmi juto ka aspatal ( a high sale through low cost marketing)

ज़ख्मी जूतों का अस्पताल   OPD      का समय   सुबह 9 से शाम 7 बजे तक का है । सुन कर आप सब को अजीब लग रहा होगा पर जी एक अस्पताल है जहां के डॉक्टर नरसी राम है, नरसी राम मोची जो जख्मी जूतों का इलाज करते है  । इनकी हरियाणा में एक छोटी सी दुकान है रोड के कोने पर इनके पास रोज़ कही सारे जख्मी जूते आते है जिनका इलाज़ वो खुद करते है । और आपको बताना चाहेगे की आस पास के मोचियों के मुकाबले डाक्टर नरसी राम के पास ज्यादा इलाज के मामले आते है। और इनके काम की तेजी को देख कर खुद आंनद महिंद्रा ने उनके लिए tweet करके कहां की IIM के छात्र ले सीख। आंनद महिंद्रा भारत के अरबपियों में से एक है , साथ ही ये महिंद्रा ग्रुप के chairman है । Tweet में उन्होंने management को नरसी राम जी से बहुत सरा ज्ञान लेने को भी कहां । तो आपको बताते हैं कि ऐसा नरसी राम जी ने क्या किया उन्होंने ज्यादा कोई बड़ा खर्चा नहीं किया बल्कि एक छोटा का बैनर बनवाया जिसपे लिखा था कि यह डाक्टर नरसी राम का अस्पताल है , यहां जख्मी जूतों का इलाज होता है । बस एक नया तरीका उन्होंने अपनाया , जिसके कारण उनके पास आस-पास वाले मोचियों स


  So here we go desi ladies.  1) TRAVEL ALONE FOR A WEEK.  If you want to feel free you must go on a trip all alone.  2 GO ON A DATE EVERY NIGHT FOR A WEEK WITH YOUR PARTNER. Make time with your partner and enjoy the excitement.  3) GO FOR THE PROFESSION YOU LIKE. Just do whatsoever you  want, feel free to make choice.  4) GO TO KEDARNATH ONCE IN LIFE. We can choose any spiritual place but I would love to go to Kedarnath only.   5) COOK FOR ALL THE RELATIVES.  When we know how to cook well, we should also give the relative a chance to appreciate it.  6) DO A JOB ( A HIGH-PROFILE ONE). With changing times we should also do something for ourselves. 7) EXPLORE THE DIFFERENT CULTURES.  Take a little knowledge of everything. 8) LEARN TO PLAY THE GUITAR. Apne Pyar liye ek romantic song ka bhi to sunna padega na ladies. 9) LIVE IN A DIFFERENT CIT